Monday, October 24, 2011

Did you know Brooke's in kindergarten?

It's the end of October and I'm still wrapping my head around having 3 kids in school and activities. Brooke had a 'first' this year- KINDERGARTEN! It didn't seem so exciting for some reason. I think because Brooke takes everything in stride. She's a cool cat. SUPER mature in the school setting. Helping the littler ones take off their back packs and do their zippers.. tie their shoes. She even gets to take the attendance to the office. She comes home from school happy. Tired. Hungry. She doesn't say much about her day and then at random we hear hilarious stories. Every Monday they take something to school  that starts with a letter of the alphabet. This week was "E". She brought an Elephant (drawing she made 2 minutes before the bus came) and put it in an Envelope. I guess this got a lot of laughs! 

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