Tuesday, February 5, 2013

We went to Hilton Head Island in January.

The Christmas that lasted forever.

December was busy and oh so fun. 
Anna's first trip on the GO train to see the big splash!

Thats Benny. He loves you.

That's Dylan. She loves ME. Only ME.

Dylan's best friend, Stella moved far away :(

Santa is watching so you better be nice. To your sister mostly.

Dylan had a school Christmas party, turned Dance party. I danced. In public.

ADULT only Christmas party!

I asked Santa to give Scott a haircut.

Christmas isn't Christmas without a trip to see the nutcracker himself.
Dressed up to meet Santa for the first time but I don't have to sit on his lap. I only have to sit on Mommy's lap.

The boys came with us.

She can't WAIT!
She sat on his lap! She wants the hunrgy hungry hippos game.

She loves him very much and will see him soon and say hi to the reindeer.

Just tired that there are so many to hang but are there more to hang Mom? I want to hang more.

A last chance visit with the Man in case he forgot to bring the gifts on the 3rd draft of the list.
I survived. Barely.

Old news.

Thanksgiving came and went. So did Christmas. Oops. Here are some photos that life is really happening here. 

Our Thanksgiving gifts.

Burlington Performing Art Center date with Mom

Coffee date with Mommy.

New haircut.

Snuggles in the grass.

Soaking up the last days of fall!

Alone time with Mom.

I tried to get a photo.

Grandpa Bob came to visit.

Our lake! Lake Ontario with Grandpa Bob.

Testing out the horn.

Unicorn. Neigh.



That's Benny. He loves you.


She loves us.