Thursday, April 29, 2010

Calgary, Butte, Salt Lake City, Henderson, Scottsdale, El Paso, San Antonio, Houston, Austin, Amarillo, Colorado Springs, Billings, Calgary. The End

So, here we are in Scottsdale. Some may call it Snotsdale.. But we like to refer to it as Awesomedale. It didn't come without some hard hauling down from Calgary to get here- and in almost reasonable Wilson fashion, we freaked out and decided to buy a new/used van 2 days before our trip. It's pretty great... except for the vibrating that occurs over 60 mph. The kind of vibration that shakes the dvd's right out of their players. Whaaahh it's skipping, they yell from the way back seats! I was convinced the great new/used van would fall apart before we got to Butte.. but alas, she survived all the way to the Toyota dealership where they balanced the tires....then in Salt Lake city, we took the van to Toyota cuz the check engine light was on, oh yea, and it was still VIBRATING!  They say, "Did you steal those rims/tires from one of them Dodge Chargers? Don't worry, this girl will make it to Snotsdale, no prob. She's just got tires that don't fit your van.. so them Dodge tires are more like ovals, not circles." So here we are, in Awesomdale, $1,--- less in our pockets, sporting hot new rims. The snots in Snotsdale are sooo jealous! 

To the girls' delight, we got them a "kids suite" in Vegas (Henderson). They thought they'd won the lottery! (har har)
Chris thought he won the lottery, PALM TREES.  
A typical day in the way back of the hjikphnji hui van. (that was vibrating van lingo).
.. and to our delight, we went over the Hoover Dam. They stopped us at security, worried that the vibrating would set off the dam and flood all of Nevada and Arizona.
Here's the new bridge they are building over the dam. 
Nevada/Arizona border area, looked like we were driving through the Grand Canyon.
Our villa in Awesomdale. Anna thought we were in Sedona. Ommmmm.
We rented a two bedroom villa... thinking it was just that, 2 bedrooms- But no, it was 2 villas with an adjoining door. Anna, excited for having her own couch. 
... and TV.
.. and dining room table, with fish sticks and kraft dinner.
.. and Dylan. She barely made it. So tired. Here she is, showing us she is ok and all she needs is a week of sleep.
Brooke, OBSESSED with the flora and fauna and rocks all around. 

..and the POOL!!!!!!!!!
We still can't believe we have 3 kids!!!
My girl!
Dylan. She's already mastered the art of the fake smile!!!
Night night time.

Monday, April 19, 2010

playground posers

Brooke's latest project.

240 million years ago... or right now.

Here's a little edgeucation for all you Ameericano's. Dinasours DO roam Canada. You just don't know this, cuz they aren't allowed to cross the border. 
To keep us Canadians (er Ameericans) safe, there are helpful signs around the land to keep us all safe. Some with pictorial perspective. 
This one here is my fav. Aint she cute? Cootchy coo!
If you do come to visit, do not be confused by this here "cave". It's where the dino's sleep. Not the men. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Baby close-ups. LOVE

Close-ups are good so mommy can see the crap lodged in my neck.

Scary ravioli face.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A tribute to the greatest daughter on earth.

Where's Anna?

Dylan's soul purpose in life is to catch a glimpse of her big sister, Anna.