Saturday, March 20, 2010

Italian biga bread

It's like this: I don't have time to make home-made bread. Well, at least I thought I didn't... until I found this recipe-
(these are mine)
....and really- each step only took about 5 minutes OR LESS to complete and in the end- two gorgeous, tasty, fluffy, chewy, white italian-bread-goodness. I can't wait to make it again with some whole wheat flour mixed in and maybe a loaf with some herbs.. this recipe has opened a whole new world of bread making for me- and well some extra time on the treadmill *sigh*.. cuz let me tell you, this bread is good alone, toasted, toasted with butter, with butter and jam.. and I figured this out by eating almost half the loaf last night. Who's the fluffy one now?
(proof, i hate half)

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