Sunday, April 3, 2011

Our trip to Victoria- that really wasn't a trip.

There's one thing I know for sure. It doesn't matter what shoes you're wearing when your kid is sick. I took careful steps to prepare for our vacation to Victoria. Bags were packed with outfit sets. Nails were painted. Spray tan applied! Sleepovers at Grandparents were scheduled. Then the rug got pulled out from under us on our drive out to Victoria. The flu. It hit Dylan hard.. and then lingered on.. and then took a big turn for the worst when she collapsed with a seizure in our hotel room on our first day in Victoria. Ambulance came. 3 more seizures later- she was hooked up to IV's, she was poked with needles and pumped full of drugs. Drugs that turned her in to a caged animal when she woke. Drugs that inhibited her from being able to walk for 6 more days. Drugs that kept her from eating. Losing 4 lbs is a blessing for most of us, but for an 18mos old, it makes her look like she's been starved. Starving she is. She's been waking multiple times at night to eat and when she's awake during the day, she's eating and holding on to me for dear life. 
The day before the big event. She was walking around happy as can be. 
In her daddy's arms. 

Her IV board. She chewed on it every chance she got. 

After sedation and an EEG to test her brain for seizure activity. ALL CLEAR!
The happiest part of Victoria General Hospital? The  bunny rabbits!

After flying Dylan home to recoup, she sat in our bed (covered in towels in case of more puking) and ate constantly. Those big eyes. They say a lot. 


Snappy-Q said...

Oh Dylan... I am glad that she is eating again, and that you are all home together. Poor little kiddo. said...

Soooo so very glad you're on the mend, Miss Dylan. Hope you all can rest a bit, now. Man - what a tough road...and tough cookie!
Love from us in ATX!