Monday, April 11, 2011

Oh how Birthday's change when you're thirty-something!

I remember always having that excited feeling the night before my Birthday. It's the same feeling I used to get on Christmas Eve.
I crawled in to my bed on April 9 and I felt nothing. I was thinking to myself how this could be? Where did that feeling go? Why wasn't I excited for the big day? When and how did I lose that "feeling"?? I want that feeling back!
Chris always makes a big fuss over my birthday. In that regard, I feel very special. Here's what we do on Wilson birthday's.
1. Coffee and presents in bed. First thing. No breakfast. Presents are the number one priority.
I personally like to spread the present opening out- but no- this is the Wilson way!

I don't have point #2. That is all. That is the big deal. The opening of the presents in bed. So- really, the birthday is over at around 8am. That's ok though- cuz it's more fun for the girls to make a big fuss the rest of the day. Singing Happy Birthday all day and telling me that they love me. Chris made me a lovely dinner too... and we had ice cream cake!

We haven't been using our camera much lately, but here are some iPhone pictures.. sorry if they're dark.

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