It always seems like Canadian Thanksgiving sneaks up on us... and when I make dinner, I don't plan- I open the fridge and cupboards and just go for it each and every night. .. and I've found that I 1/2 do this on Thanksgiving- thinking we'll have all the fixins for a sufficient traditional meal. This year it happens that we had nothing "green" or "crunchy" at the table (unintentionally). I like to think it would have been a great meal for us when we are "older"(if you catch my drift).
Here we are making pumpkin squares- me and 3 kids while dad pauses from the football game to take our picture.

Brooke, taking on her first drum stick.. it's all she really needed. Who cares about the squash and potatoes.

Anna and Brooke made us place cards so we knew where to sit.

..even Dylan got one!