Anna with her cousin Kaitlyn.

Me with the birthday boy.

The birthday boy and his sister making faces... the usual.

Grandpa getting snuggles from Brooke.

My dad and me.

Me with my cousin Kristin. She wanted to kiss me all night... i finally let her.

..and then she wanted to hold my hand.. so I let her... for just a quick second.

My brother's- blessing the buddah. The lighting must've been bad when I left the house- as i didn't know until right now that this shirt was see-through.

There's Kristin again- wanting to get in the picture with me.

Here's my brother Scott. He had too much of the capri-sun at the big bash.
Brooke face planting the birthday cake. This was a coached event by her "Apple Mike" (aka: Uncle Mike).
What's a trip to the mid-west without a visit to the Big Boy? Big Boy's hair gets me every time. sexy.

Partying at the Big Boy... Grandma's treat.

Twinsies- AKA- cousins Anna and Sarah... so proud to be "matching" or as Anna would say, "We are sooo original!!"
Brooke and flipper in the pool. Eee eee... Eee eee!
Suntanning. Leave me alone!
Anna. Dressed appropriately to visit the DQ in the big D.