Simple summer pleasures.
Items also accomplished on weekend 1,Day 1: mop hardwood floors, clean kitchen and bathroom. Scrape weeks worth of sticky mess off baby highchair. Weed front flower beds. Weed back flower beds. Water flowers.Get 200 mosquito bites. Change babies diaper intermittently. Apply sunscreen. Apply mosquito repellent. Provide 3 healthy meals to children. Scrounge for adult nourishment while answering phone, cleaning un-recognizable sticky mess off kitchen floor, and negotiating how many m&m's may be consumed after healthy meal #2. Negotiate nap time over early bed time. Give shower to one, give bath to other. Make (by hand) pizza dough to create meal husband has been talking about wanting all week. Eat pint of Ben and Jerrys. Pass out on couch. Wake up twitching. Go to bed. Do it again.