Wednesday, December 29, 2010

They didn't eat their broccoli 
so Chris made them take a cold bath.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The day that Santa Claus came.

This Christmas was one of the most exciting ones since we've been together. I mean, if you're 6 and 4 years old, what is more exciting than Christmas? It felt like we had been preparing for this day for weeks! School parties, lots of grocery and present shopping, decorating, letters to santa, christmas cards, and baking, present wrapping and secret keeping!! 

Here is our tree on Christmas Eve.
The art work- by Anna and Brooke... strategically placed by Anna! 
 This gorgeous Christmas arrangement was sent 
by my parents a few days before Christmas!

 The letter that Anna wrote to Santa on Christmas Eve!!!
Anna chose to put the milk for Santa in a wine glass with a red bow. 
I thought that pretty much summed things up!!!
 The gingerbread house smashed by a rolling pin- cuz it was too hard and stale to smash with our fists and it was too YUCK to eat any .. but I had treat back up!! :)
 The clay tea-light that Anna worked so hard on at school to give to all of us. 

 Christmas morning stocking time! 

 The stacking cups for Dylan.. all she cared about all Christmas.. unstack.. restack.. 

 The girls' new yoga outfits and yoga mats!!
 Brooke. That's Brooke Tenenbaum to you!
Dylan. Chillin for a bit before she gets back to the pile.
 Brooke and her new cupcake kit.
No more pictures MOM! 
 Til next year. When we do it all over again.. only I'm secretly thinking we should seclude ourselves on an island somewhere... one gift each!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

More of the Christmas drug.

Today we finally made our gingerbread house. For the past month it's been, "when can we make our gingerbread house, mom!?" So here she is in all her glory. Our little house. 
On Christmas Eve we will thump it with our big fists.. 

Collin with the girls before his company Christmas party.

... and all we want for Christmas.. is a walking Dylan.....

Friday, December 17, 2010

the future

This is a few blocks from where we hope to be living in a few months. It's easy to forget how gorgeous this place is so, I decided to post this photo to remind myself...  I am getting excited.. now if we can only get a move date....
Spencer Smith Park. Burlington, Ontario.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Christmas drug

I'm under the Christmas spell this year. I am positive it's because the kids are all about it right now. In fact, there are so many parties and events just for Anna and Brooke that I find myself freaking out every day about forgetting to make a batch of cookies for one kid or sending a gift(s) for this teacher, or volunteering for that party, or food bank donations etc.. and this is for only TWO kids.. wait til all 3 of them need stuff! Anyway, we've had fun making crafts, making cookies and dressing up to see Santa and most recently, we went to a play at Stage West. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. We were served a lovely breakfast before the big show. The girls were in their glory. But first, a few photos of Brooke's Christmas "concert", cookie eating and craft  making party.

 Brooke with her BFF, Ayana.

Friday, December 10, 2010

"Mary Christmas"

Dear Santa,
Mary ChristMAs,
santa claus What Would YOU like For christmas?
How are the reindeer's and Mrsis clos.
I am going to Toronto and I say my manrs.
Shod I lev som milk and coces out?
Thank you Love AnnA
p.s. I want a barbie head

Dear Santa,
Spinning rainbow.
Teddy bear.
Love BrooKE

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

who says you don't take pictures of the 3rd kid??

Here she is.. in that hat.. (see last post).. having a party of her own.

 Daddy's phone
 hand phone