Finally, a moment with her eyes open! The Mom, Brooke and Dylan Brooke, practicing how to hold a baby using the TV remote?? Nothing like the real thing!! "Nice to meet you, Grandma Sue!!!" "Ugh, no more kisses, pleeez!" "GOT MILK?" A visit from yours truly; Sock Monkey.
HAPPY to be a big sister to baby Dylan! Don, Kim, Sara and Connor came to our house with dinner and met the baby. Thank you for the gorgeous meal and the great conversation! While trying to remain fashionable, I tried to match the bath tub with my tank for the big event. BABY'S FIRST BATH!
Inconspicuous door to the church basement where the glorious preschool is located. Also the door where Brooke was ready to leave Dad and run to class. Sitting in the pink chair at school is just too cool! Time to hone the art career. Sleeping in class? She's soooo grounded.
(i don't look pregnant or in labor in this picture!!) Dr. Van Essen- She was the greatest- my kind of person- laid back and full of humour. The girls got us balloons and Anna drew me a Welcome Home picture..