Brooke wanted to make a piggy.. soon after the eyes were ripped off. Anna made a flower. Brooke wanted to make a "gool" (girl) ..and Anna made a butterfly.
The girls playing with their new "puppet castle".. we made sock puppets but the glue was still wet... alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5349202289688540834" /> Anna and her friends at her preschool end of year party. From left to right- Anna, Sierra, Eliza and Shay. (they are all 5. Whose the tallest?-YIKES!) This is proof that Anna can tie her shoes now- it took about 2 days of her hiding in her room practicing and practicing. We are so proud.. now on to the lose teeth....
I decided to the take the girls downtown to the Calgary Tower. So, we packed a lunch, took the train- went up up up in the tower and then to Olympic Plaza for our picnic.
..on the train deck... ..our destination.. ...a horse sculpture... they wanted to ride the horse sculpture... the elevator to go up in to the Tower... ... floor #525!!! ... standing at the see-through floor to the ground below... ...a view of the Arriva tower where our wine store is... and the saddledome where the Calgary Flames play. Brooke decided she would try out the see-through floor.. it drew a crowd of scared adults- and it made me sweat!! On our way to our picnic destination via- Stephen Avenue Mall- all decked out for summer... Anna saw a large stuffed moose on the mall and wanted a picture with it... ONLY IN CANADA. Having our lunch on the lawn at Olympic Plaza... Anna, charming someone on the train- on our way back from our adventure!